Our Services Offerings

Our services offerings are broadly described which are inclusive but not an exhaustive list.

Account Management:

The transactions pertaining to capital market wherein transactions have to be verified, approved and executed within the minimum possible time. The transactions are taking place in a dynamic manner across the country at the branch levels of a large private bank. Although the initial verification of the transactions is done at the branch level, the subsequent approval and execution has to be done in a centralised processing centre. In order to minimise the transaction execution time after going through the process of maker and checker for each transaction, system facilitates the transaction to move from the branch to the centralised processing centre through an image form.

Back Office Services (End to End Transaction Processing):

A large private bank issued equity shares & retail bonds in tranches resulting in creation of a large data base of over six million accounts which were grouped in numerous series and each series in turn has many categories depending on the features of the scheme. The real challenge was to segregate the incoming documents from the investors and identify their instructions/complaints before processing these transactions in the system. The solution suggested was to create a combined database in the front end for numerous series along with introduction of code types for each type of instruction/complaint wherein a particular transaction irrespective of whether it pertains to single series or multiple series or instructions or complaints gets inwarded into the combined database and subsequently gets automatically transmitted to the respective database for processing.

Data Management (Capturing/ Purification):

Forms consisting of various database like name, address, date of birth, photograph, signatures etc. along with the supporting KYC documents needs to be digitised and relevant data be captured in order to create the master data of applicants/customers before providing the requisite output/service to the applicant/customer. The challenge was to handle voluminous documents twice once for scanning and the second time for data capturing. In order to avoid handling of documents twice, a system was introduced wherein scanned images will move to facilitate the data capture and also tag the rejection forms in the system itself. This facility immensely helped in terms of storage space, handling speed, system control etc.

Document Management (Digitisation/Indexing):

The project pertains to a reputed IT Company having large number of employee base across the globe. The documents pertaining to employees consisting of around 100 types of non -standard documents were gathered together spread over about five decades and having over five crore pages were kept in the physical files and stored for retrieval/reference purpose. The exercise of retrieving/referring of documents on a regular basis was time consuming due to its age and volume, cumbersome and prone to errors. The challenge was to digitise these old documents and index them in their appropriate document type category. The solution was conceived and a system was suitably developed wherein all the old documents pertaining to over five decades consisting of five crore pages were successfully scanned, indexed as per the document type using unique code numbers for each type of document. This has immensely helped the client to retrieve/refer a particular document type of particular employee within a span of few seconds.